

Never far from our customers

Never far from our customers

Regional is sustainable. And that’s why our operating sites are nearby to our clients – within a 100-kilometre catchment area.
The core of our operation is the mixing and compounding facility at our main site in Neuenstein. After our previous production hall was completely destroyed by fire in 2017, the new compounding facility entered into operation at the start of 2018. The total volume of investment that went into its construction amounted to €14 million. The 5.000 m2 new plant also houses a research and development laboratory. The new working operation has five – rather than the three previously – extruders in use, and these can produce up to 1200 kilogrammes of re-compounds every hour. That’s a production quota of around 50 tonnes per day.

Mixing and compounding hall
Admin offices
Milling operation
Logistics centre