

Application examples

Application examples

Everyday heroes

Products made from AURORA’s re-granulates and re-compounds aren’t so removed from our everyday lives. These can include screws, nuts and pipe couplings made from AUROform POM C03 and H03, as well as metal substitutes for DIN 100 manhole covers, made from AUROmid® GV GF 40. Vehicle manufacture, electronic articles, traditional consumer goods in the fashion and leisure fields: our products help to ensure resources are conserved and CO2 emissions reduced, safeguarding high quality for the way of life we cherish.

High-tech screw caps for oil platforms

Sector: industry
Material: AUROmid® PA66 HGF25CF10 black 9005

Spare wheel holder

Sector: automotive
Material: AUROmid® PA66 HI15 black 9005

Vehicle spacers in individual colours

Sector: automotive
Material: AUROmid® PA66 HI10 natural 1102

Smart Indoor Gardening

Sector: consumer goods
Material: SmartGrow made out of AUROran ASA 9120 white

Cable ties

Sector: electrical and electronic
Material: AUROmid PA6 H black

Bottle opener

Sector: consumer goods
Material: AUROcom PP-C black


Sector: consumer goods
Material: AUROmid PA6 NH natural

Cable channel for interior application

Sector: automotive
Material: AUROmid PA66 HI10 black